Hi friends! Happy Sunday, and happy October. It’s crazy to say that Fall is already fully upon us. Sweet summertime certainly slipped away faster than I realized, but luckily I’ve been reminded of how much I love this month. It’s sunny but crisp, I’ve indulged in SEVERAL pumpkin cream cold brews, and the leaves are getting crunchier and more beautiful by the minute.
I like to view the start of a new season as mini-new years, so as we jump into Fall, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the end of my summer, since it didn’t exactly go as planned. If you know me, you know I love to pack those three months in with as much adventure and sunshine as possible to take advantage of my favorite season. It’s typically go go go, and I practically run myself into the ground trying to enjoy as much as possible. But unfortunately I went out with a bit of a bang this year – and by that I mean a bang of my head. I ended up with a concussion that made being able to walk for ten minutes feel like a huge accomplishment, and the thought of holding a conversation for more than a few minutes was daunting.
Thankfully this only took a few weeks to recover from, and it truly gave me a newfound appreciation for the very real struggles that so many people have with their health that I take for granted. One thing this month did for me was force myself to focus on the small things that can bring joy when circumstances change – walking a dog, talking to close friends and family who can always make me laugh, finally getting to read a few books that had been on my list for ages (and by this I mean listen to seven different audiobooks), and spending time with my boyfriend who went above and beyond to do anything to help me feel better. When I finally started turning a corner, being able to start incorporating some yoga and longer walks felt so freeing, and being able to go into a coffee shop again was like Christmas morning. What this all made me come to realize was how much of my days I typically rush through to just get done, rather than actually enjoying or appreciating any of it.

I’ve heard more and more people talking about the concept of being softer with yourself lately – being more mindful about what you consume, what you eat and drink, who you spend your time with, how you move your body, how you talk to yourself and so much more. Now that I am fully back to being free to do as I like, I want to redirect some of my energy to being more intentional like this. It might be something as simple as choosing to do a recovery flow when my body is tired instead of forcing myself to do a harder workout, or saying no to plans when I feel like I need a night to myself. Or choosing to reach out to a friend instead of mindlessly watching reality TV. Or maybe taking the time to cook a nutritious meal instead of ordering takeout. Or being more aware of how the people I surround myself with make me feel. Or even starting therapy to help acknowledge feelings as they come and be kinder to myself.
So now, two months later, I’m thankful for the fact that I’m feeling up to embracing some change with the new season – my closet has been flipped for the season, my living situation is slightly different, and I’m starting a new role at work. I’m also thankful for so many little things that I have certainly never appreciated so much in my life – the ability to spend time with friends, to go into the office, to read a book, go for a run, or watch a favorite movie or TV show. But with all that’s going on, my goal is to still take the time to appreciate it, and even be willing to say no to some things that might not benefit me as much in the long run. I think we can all try to move a little more intentionally and be a little kinder to ourselves this season – we deserve it. ☼

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