If there’s one thing to know about me, it’s that I’m always looking to find the good in any situation. It’s not always easy, but it sure makes life a whole lot happier. So it’s no surprise that one of my favorite brands is called exactly this! Find the Good promotes positivity and mental health through an assortment of premium comfort clothes, offering everything from hats to sweatshirts, all made with love. I’m not exaggerating when I say that my FTG hoodie is the coziest sweatshirt I’ve ever bought, to the point that my whole family is now obsessed with the brand. But the best part is they donate 10% of profits to Mental Health America, so you can help others find the good with every purchase too.
In the spirit of finding the good, I thought I would share a few things I like to do to quite literally look on the sunny side in my day to day life. It’s easier on some days than others, but here’s a few fool-proof tips I can always count on to turn my day around!
- Keep a gratitude journal. Even on your worst days, there are things to be thankful for, and it’s a nice reminder of all of the positives in your life.
- Perpetuate little acts of kindness. There’s nothing like making someone’s day to brighten your own – whether that’s paying for a stranger’s coffee, volunteering, or even just giving someone a compliment. Happiness is contagious, I like to say!
- Get some sunshine. Shocking I know, but whenever I feel the sunshine on my face is always when I’m the happiest. A walk outside or even sitting in front of the window is a guaranteed mood booster – and if you have to fake it, I do love the “sunlight” from my Hatch alarm clock!
- Give yourself some grace. Not every day is perfect, and that’s okay! I’m working on being more sympathetic towards myself, acknowledging whatever it is I’m feeling and allowing myself the space to feel it – then, ideally, moving on.
- Change your perspective. It’s easy to get stuck in certain narratives that can be detrimental, and after a while it’s important to shift that mindset. It could always be worse, and if I’m feeling particularly stuck in a rut, I force myself to consider some of those alternatives to quickly remind myself how lucky I still am.
- Talk to someone who makes you smile. Maybe that’s your bestie, your mom, your boyfriend, or someone you miss – whoever it is, they’re guaranteed to make your day instantly better.
- Give yourself five positive affirmations. You are doing great, sweetie!
Now of course, all of these recommendations are small things that can make your days better – but there are always situations that warrant additional help. Mental health is SO important, and a lot of these ideas are things that I have worked on in therapy to help improve my own mental state. I am a huge advocate of getting the help you need, and realize that every person is different and every situation is unique. My hope is simply to suggest a few small things to help make life feel a little sunnier. But if the days are still feeling cloudy, Find the Good also offers 50% off with Better Help!
That’s all for today folks – I hope this inspired you to find the good around you, or at the very least, to upgrade your sweatshirt game for a good cause. You can use code SUNSHINE for 10% off anything at Find the Good! ☼

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